ICL Vision Correction

ICL vision correction or implantable contact lens gives sharp, clear vision. ICL will allow you to live a life and see the world free from glasses or contact lenses. This vision correction treatment really is a revolutionary step forwards for vision correction surgery. When compared to LASIK or PRK not only is the vision outcome equal if not better ICL is a step above as it is both removable and reversible, gives UV protection to the eye, doesn’t require any corneal tissue to be removed and doesn’t contribute to dry eye syndrome.

ICL vision correction procedure is amazing in that it takes just 30 minutes and is minimally invasive. These implantable lenses are specifically designed to sit on top of the natural lens of the eye and give clear, sharp, better than 20/20 vision. The engineering behind ICLs mean that they are soft and flexible so very easy to implant and you wouldn’t even know it is in your eye – except that suddenly you can see clearly!

The “High Definition Vision” delivered by an ICL makes this proven, technologically advanced procedure the choice for patients who need and expect high quality results. In fact, the U.S. military has embraced the ICL because of the reliable visual clarity it achieves. The ICL option is clearly the choice for patients with an active lifestyle and those who cannot accept anything less than the highest quality vision.

The ICL vision correction lens is made from a Collamer® which is a biocompatible, stable and flexible material which does not react with the eye, making it very safe to insert.

The procedure is quick and painless and performed by an ophthalmologist as a day case procedure. In the days or weeks before the procedure you will undergo an eye examination to measure your eye for the procedure. On the morning of your procedure your ophthalmologist will put some drops in your eye to to dilate your pupil and anaesthetise your eye for the ICL procedure. During the procedure your ophthalmologist will create a small opening at the base of your cornea through which the ICL is implanted. Once in place the ophthalmologist will make sure the lens is positioned correctly. You will be given some healing eye drops to take home with you.

Not everyone is suitable for ICL but good candidates are usually:

  • Aged 21-60 years
  • Short sighted (myopia)
  • Long sighted (hyperopia)
  • Have astigmatism

To discuss vision correction with ICL please contact our team.

This article is intended to inform and give insight but not treat, diagnose or replace the advice of a doctor. Always seek medical advice with any questions regarding a medical condition.